
Little Builders at Green House

Press release 12/9/2011 3:30 PM CET

Skanska Property Hungary organized an exciting half-day site visit at Green House where children from the kindergarten next door got a sneak preview of the Kassák Lajos Street green office project.

Kindergarten Visit at Green House, Skanska Property Hungary

On 2 December the doors of Green House opened to some 60 little construction experts from the three senior groups of the 13thdistrict ‘Meséskert’ Kindergarten. The Teddy Bears, the Bumble Bees and the Ladybugs (aged 5-7) arrived to the gates of Hungary’s greenest ongoing office project all dressed up in safety vests and helmets. They checked themselves in the safety mirror before entering the site.

The Budapest team joined forces with the NARVA staff to safely guide the little ones to the viewing point, share information about the ongoing works and construction machinery, point out the importance of sustainable development and safety, and answer numerous enthusiastic questions. Precautionary measures were taken, and a special safety net was installed to make the site absolutely child-proof.

The visit was followed by a creative Skanska day on 9 December, when all three groups painted and drew pictures based on their impressions, and built small versions of Green House from wooden blocks.